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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions


First it was babiesThe futureThe hopeNow it’s seers and prophetsThose who bring about lifeWho call heaven downWho build the bodyAnd equip them to fightWith teeth bared and gnashing.We will not fallWe are united, standing tallAgainst this nonsense.You have no power…

C is for Courage

When we were en route to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica I’ll admit I had expectations.   I was expecting an easy way into relationship. I was expecting a lot of beach time. I was expecting a lot of outreach. I…

Dear Gap D

D is for divine For depth For deconstruction For delight.   My sweet humans, you have no idea what these past few months have meant to me. To see you grow To see you wrestle To see you live and…

the point of it all

Jesus is a lover, through and through. He always has been and always will be. Lover of homosexuals, aborted and aborters. Lover of addicts and health nuts, teachers, lawyers, janitors, preachers, Trump supporters, Biden supporters, atheists, Buddhists – the list…

“other” or “us”

The world ≠ sinners,These words, these entities, they are not synonymous. “The world will hate you,but know it first hated me,”He said.He did not saythe people in the world will hate you, even though that’s sometimes what it looks or feels like. Sinners did not…