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I thought this would be a blog about quarantine, but as the thoughts have spun ’round and ’round, I realized, like most good things, it’s about relationship.

We’re living in a weird time, a weird world. It’s different, it’s new. Some things are harder, some things are easier.

I’ll offer my perspective, whether or not you want it. I suppose you’re curious if you’re here. I’m grateful for you. I’m also grateful for right now.

We’ve been blessed with freedom. Maybe it looks different than we expected and maybe it isn’t freedom for us all, but we’ve been given something really special with this quarantine.

We’ve finally been freed from distractions, our American idol of busyness ripped from our clenched fists. We’ve been given permission to rest, to be still, to reprioritize our lives and our time. We’ve been gifted with solitude – not loneliness. We’ve been launched into a season of rest, waiting, preparation and goodness – yet some still only see lack.


So, we have all the time in the world. I’m blessed to still be working [from home], but I have time. I can go on long walks around the lake. I can exercise for hours a day, if I want. I can sit with the Lord each morning and be still, unworried and uncaring of whether or not “my schedule permits” it.


And still, we feel anxious.

Still, we feel lonely.

May I be frank ?

Get off your phone. Get off your couch, get off your bum and get ON your knees.


For generations, Americans have worshipped busyness – full schedules, productivity, efficiency, status, success. We have worshipped method, routine, excess, networking. And now, we’re stripped. It all looks different. So, what’s the point ? And furthermore, what do we do ?

The point is, will be and always has been Jesus. And this time is a gift. I say get on your knees, because prayer is the key – because connection is the key.

It’s time to refocus, time to realign. Think back to yourself as a child. What did you want to be when you grew up ? An astronaut ? An artist ? A musician ? A dinosaur ?

Today is full of freedom – a blank canvas for you to fill with your creativity and imagination. It is a clean slate to start fresh – to connect with the Father and reignite the passion and zealous heart within you.


No more schedules [though, literally some still need to set time aside for work, don’t shirk your responsibilities and commitments], no more boxes. Today, seek freedom. Fight to break down the walls you’ve built to contain yourself. Paint the walls, scream from the rooftops, write that book, kiss that spouse passionately, call your mom, make that baby, listen to what God has to say about you, sing in the shower, take time to cook and savor your meals. Savor every moment – each breath, each fight, each dust bunny you get to sweep up.

And look for opportunities to break others out of their boxes, too. Stop looking for lack ; we always find what we’re looking for, so refocus your perspective and seek goodness. Seek hope. Seek love.


As my dear friend Andrew Shearman says :

“What day is it ? TODAY ! What time is it ? NOW !!!!”


Don’t wait one more second. The ball is in your court now.